Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fantasy Baseball Champs...

Well this weekend was relatively bad for sports... Notre Dame lost to Purdue (which I won't even talk about), the Tigers lost 2 of 3 to the White Sox (who no matter how bad they are, we can never seem to beat), and BP flag football lost another heartbreaker. While the Detroit Lions did beat the Chicago Bears this weekend (even though I could really care less).

The real treat for me this weekend was winning the Fantasy Baseball League that I have with my friends from GP, which is something that I have never done before. There have been many great teams in our league (many of which have belonged to me), but this year I think that my team was the best team ever assembled (hitters: saltalamacchia, fielder, hill, jeter, Aram, figgins, abreu, holiday, ortiz [with special thanks to bonds and sanchez] and pitching:kazmir, westbrook, putz, jones, benoit, wakefield, davis, meche, sonnanstine, arroyo, correja, snell [special thanks to lowry, shields]). My regular season record was 123-86-11 putting me in the regular season championship two seasons in a row and in the winner's bracket playoffs in all six years of the league existence. After the first round bye, I destroyed the best hitting team in the league (kirk) by an 8-2 score and then won the two week championship 6-2 (with the loser, max, congratulating my victory on thursday). For the first time ever I can look at what I spent many many hours on and actually think I accomplished something... what is it that I accomplished, you may wonder?

Well that is easy and something that is worth more than the $90 i received for winning... and thats bragging rights over 11 individuals for the next 12 months of my life. Not only can I now claim that I had the best team last season, but that I am the best manager in the league (my knack was that I never won the big game). Now since I have squashed the critics I have a new goal in our league and thats staying on top...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Paddington and Pooh

Recently Matt has been giving Bryan a hard time about liking Paddington Bear and Pooh Bear. It all started when Bryan voted for orange marmalade in an online poll at in which the question asked was what goes best on a PBJ sandwich. Matt accused Bryan as being crazy as stawberry jam is clearly the best (here Matt you are wrong grape jelly is the best, but peanut butter sucks but i disgress) and Bryan as a defense of his choice brings up Paddington who also like marmalade. Matt instantly makes fun of Bryan for this and Matt that was terribly wrong because Paddington is awesome. Eventually Matt accuses Bryan of knowing (in the biblical sense) both Paddington and Pooh, cause Bryan clearly has a thing for bears...

So today I have decided to defind these two bears, Paddington first.

Matt if you did not know Paddington, much like ancestors coming to the United States, immigrated to England, specifically to London where he was leaving "Darkest Peru" behind and his only two relatives (Aunt Lucy who taught him to stare [casues people to become flushed and embarrassed] and his unknown Uncle who gave him the hat). Once here Paddington is taken home with the Browns after waiting in the train station for someone to take him home (god bless Mr Brown for taking him home). Then he goes through growing pains of getting use to this new bustling environment were he has no one but the Brown's... seriously Matt how could you make fun of someone like this, he is just trying to assimulate into our culture much like your ancestors would have done. So Matt I am asking you to remember where you came from and respect Paddington Bear.

Pooh Bear is also a spectacular bear, and perhaps more so than Paddington, but no value judgements cause they are both sweet. Pooh lives in the Hundred Acre Wood a place that is invented by the imagination of a young boy named Christopher Robin, and here is where Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends live (Rabbit [man, cause sometimes I wonder], Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Eeyore, Owl and Tigger). Matt, Pooh likes honey and would try anything (including tying himself to ballons and pretending to be a raincloud) to get some. So here in lies the problem, Pooh is the man and despite him being a little slow upstairs he often solves problems and is a great friend, which is something you could use right now since you made fun of people's childhood idols. So maybe you should reflect on what you said and take it back about these two upstanding young bears.

Friday, September 28, 2007


What caused me to start this blog was me thinking about coaching. As most of you know I am the coach of the BP (Breen-Phillips) flag football team and I was thinking today about the coaches that I have had in the past and realized somethings.

First, all the coaches that I have had, I never particularly liked them. For example, Coach Taylor (for all you Trojan people you know who I am talking about). He was the biggest douche bag ever and I hated going to practice with him. His chucking of basketballs at players, his finger rolls from the free throw line and the occasional body slam really did not do it for me. Not to mention that we lost a numerous number of games and we aboslutely mediocre.

However despite the fact that I did not like my coaches, it did not mean that I did not respect them. I will use another basketball coach for this one, Coach Sloan. He was a big slime ball and some of things that he did (not with the boys) were at times suspect, but he was a hell of a coach. There was not a team that we played that season that I think we were not better than, or more prepared for every game (we did lose three games if I recall, one of which our best player missed a fucking lay up on a well drawn up play by Sloan). Because of the fact that he actually knew what he was talking about, I respected his ability to coach, as the rest of the players did, and we went on to a successful season.

Lastly the more afraid I was of the coach the more successful the team was. Gazeam (sp?) comes to mind, as well as Sloan (who was an imposing figure at 6-6, and a college basketball player), but no one takes the cake over the 5-6 Albanian mafia member who had to move to America to avoid death in terms of imposing fear on his players (at least this is what we believed). He did not yell, but HE FUCKING YELLED... you fucked up he let you know. Whether it was the infamous "Up-down, boddy" or "It's not sorry, boddy, it's DO IT" every player tried their hardest for fear of being yelled at or intimidated.

So you are all reading and wondering why the fuck does all this matter... but if any of you have talked to me about coaching you know that I would like to embody all of these characteristics as a coach and due to the circumstances of coaching a girls voluntary football team I cannot. Instead of my players not liking me, respecting me or fearing me, I have just the opposite... Some of you may be thinking why would not want my players to like and not be afraid and perhaps that can be reflected on in our record this year. We are 1-3. Most of the coaches listed above (exception Coach Taylor) and not listed (Tom A, Doug Jensen, Adolf to name a few) embodied the characteristics that I want to and you know why?.... We WON games. The coaches that were the opposite (Coach Taylor, Mr Harrington, etc) were players coaches or just did not embody any of the above characterists and you know what, we did not win...

So looking back at my sports career as a player, although I did not always have fun at practice or particullary like the coaches, I now respect more the coaches who did not to try to make friends with the players and instead tried to give it their all and win, because I now look back and enjoy those days a lot more now, then I did then because winning cures all.


Welcome to my Blog...
Today in class, I know I should have been focusing but come on its EspaƱol, I was thinking about things and thought why not put this shit out there for others to read, I know you all want to hear my thoughts on random things. So here we go, well give it a shot. I am going to try and post as often as possible, as I know all you out there are going to be on the edge of your seat to read what I have to say.
But anyway enjoy and if you ahve any questions or comments feel free to post them on the board.