Monday, October 15, 2007

Matt Meagher

Three truths and a lie...

Three of these following statements are true about Matt.

1) His is the apex of human evolution.

2) He his the example of male masculinity

3) His intelligence is on par with the greatest minds (i.e., Aquinas and Einstein)

4) He beat Jordan in a game of horse with his arms tied behind his back.
[I did the research trust me three of these are true and yes I am a leading Blogest].

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Top 10

Sorry I cannot believe that it has been this long for a post, I am sorry for my business with things. But you know it is about that time for midterms and what is more important, keeping you at home happy or doing well in school? Well clearly keeping the reader happy because I am posting right now.

Some readers were not satisfied about the fact that I broke down my favorite movies into separate categories and did not give a top list of all time, so I am going to keep the post short and do so right now with a follow up tomorrow about my favorite actresses. Drum Roll please…

1. Casablanca: what can I say? It is too good to be not on the top of my all-time list. The number three best actor of all time on my list and a top actress for me in Bergman (foreshadowing), plus the narrative, plus… I could go on and on.
2. Citizen Kane: well it did not even make the top movie in its genre, but it would have if it weren’t for Casablanca. Orson Wells is amazing in the movie and the many things that he makes that movie fantastic.
3. Sunrise: yes I told you this movie is GREAT. See it, there is nothing more that I can say about it.
4. Ben-Hur: yeah it slides this high. Some may find it surprising but this movie is great and doesn’t get enough credit. Now I wish the price for it on DVD would come down so that I can get it for less than $30.
5. El Dorado: childhood and still young adult classic. Don’t know why but when I think Western I think this movie. You wont find it on anyone else’s top 10 list, or top 100 for that matter, but I like so that’s why its on here.
6. The Kid: also not on the greatest movie in its genre from below. But the movie is great. It has the Charlie Chaplin humor, mixed with the pathos that only Chaplin can deliver on celluloid. Plus not to mention a young Jackie Coogan as ‘the kid.’
7. Sound of Music: great film, great songs. However has anyone ever wondered how much better looking Julie Andrews is than the real Maria? Look for yourself:
8. Searchers: another Western. John Wayne delivers a great performance in this non-traditional style western. It has some of the usual characteristics, but there is something different making it more of a hybrid…
9. Raiders of the Lost Arc: action movie that I could watch over and over again.
10. Star Wars Episode IV: to round out the top 10. I just wonder how some people rate the top 100 picking 10 was hard enough.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Favorite Actors

There has been a request for me to include who my favorite actors are in the discussion of my favorite films so that will be today’s topic. Now when thinking about who my favorite are it did not take very long to think of a few that I really like. For instance Charlie Chaplin. As mentioned before I am a huge fan of his and for anyone that says that they do not like silent movies pick up a copy of City Lights or The Kid and tell me that they aren’t fantastic movies. The reason I mention him first, mostly cause he is the oldest on my list, is because he had less to work with without synchronized dialogue. As a result he had to keep you entertained by his motions on screen and his facial expressions. Without these he could not have succeeded in making some many silent comedic films because he used his actions so well. Not only could he make you laugh, but he also could make you cry. Again he really hit a nerve when his character went from happy (which the Tramp often was) to sad.

Another great actor that came to mind was Humphrey Bogart (one academy award). He came from humble begins as non-leads then some leads in many B-films. Then when he did climb to the A-films he was generally the non-lead. He finally made it because he took his job seriously and was good at it. He made some classics and you can’t deny that he is one of the most recognized faces in movie history.

You also can’t argue with Brando (two academy awards, numerous years apart), haven’t really seen many of his films (at least as many as the previous two) but he was good with Kazan and he was good with Francis Ford Coppola. He was an inspiration for other great actors (Dean, who was great and could have been the greatest if it wasn’t for his early death) plus he was avid civil rights supporter, which made him more than an actor. You cannot argue with the range in his awards, meaning that his acting style was able to transcend time, something that many actors aren’t able to do, plus he was nominated numerous other times for the award.

Well where would we be without John Wayne (one academy award), the face of the West. He also had humble beginnings. He made his way through the westerns but he also diversified making him more than just a western man (although he won his AA for true grit, a western). He also appeared in the Quiet Man and some war movies which expanded his horizons.

It brings us to the modern age of movies and lets be honest you do not have to be the greatest of actors to gain fame. However it’s not to say that we do not have great actors now. Connery (old I know) is the man, and I like the roles that he selects. Depp also makes good decisions and chooses roles that I think fit him the best although sometimes they do not result in spectacular movies. Damon also comes to mind as a good actor and shows versatility in his ability to do action films (Bourne series), while also having the ability to make dramas (Good Will Hunting).

Which brings you to the moment you all have been waiting for, and that’s my ranking of my favorite actors.

1. Charlie Chaplin
1.John Wayne
4. Brando
5. Connery
6. Dean

I know a little bit of cop-out by not choosing an overall number one, but what can I say it’s too hard to pick one over the other. Some of you are probably wondering where the rest of the big shots are (Tracy, Cooper, Hoffman, Hanks, Nicholson etc) they are good actors, but just not my favorite.
[Note: only men on this list, actresses I will address later].

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Favorite Films

People ask me sometimes what my favorite movie? Sounds like a fair question however it really isn’t. How many movies have I seen? Too many to count so I simply do not give a response, or I change what movie I say to different people. The other thing I do is tell them that I could probably pick a favorite movie from each genre, if there was one in particular they were thinking of. It makes it a much easier question to answer.

So here we go I will try and select from the basic categories (and ones that I add) of my favorite movies:

Action: lot of movies to go with here, and I would consider myself an action movie fan, but nothing is as classic and good as Die Hard (all of them are good). Its timeless has good one-liners (like an action movie should) and the lead actor can actually speak English (not taking away from Arnold or Stallone).

Adventure: Easy choice for me. The Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana Jones is the man and the fact that I could probably watch this film over and over again only adds to its appeal.

Comedy: this is a tough choice because as some of you may know I do not like comedy that much, but when I do like a comedy it sticks with me. I am going to have to go with The Life of Brian. I selected it over Holy Grail, Bill and Ted, Dr Strangelove and Young Frankenstein, which would make up my hierarchy of best comedies.

Crime/Gangster: Another easy choice, Goodfellas. The Godfather, in my opinion, is overrated so I cannot pick it. Goodfellas is a great movie and any of you who haven’t seen it I highly recommend it.

Drama: another tough choice here (looks like they either come easy or hard) but Casablanca is just too good to ignore because Bogart and Bergman (hot) are just too good. Not to mention the scene that takes place in Rick’s Café Americana when the Nazis begin to sing ‘Die Wacht am Rhein’ and then in response the French (I know they are French) sing ‘La Marseillaise.’ The Germans then stop singing and it leaves the French alone singing their national anthem. The scene gives me the chills. Citizen Kane comes in second with story told through flashbacks not to mention the new innovations that Orson Wells used in the film made it cinematographically fantastic.

Epic/Historical: some are probably questioning this as a genre, but it is. Ben-Hur slides into this slot. A young Charlton Heston, Jesus, revenge… what more could you ask for. It is long, but it’s an epic.
Foreign: another that does not seem like a genre, but it fills a void where great movies (not commonly seen by us Americans) need their credit. Grand Illusion is a fantastic film, which could slide into the War genre, about escaping from WWII prisoners of war camps. Amélie is a second place finisher.

Horror: Evil Dead. Not really my genre but it has emerged as one of the biggest genres in America (just look at all the damn Saw movies). Evil Dead is a low budget horror flick that is creepy and gruesome. The plot of the movie is coherent and just does not set the film up for scary scenes but they seem to go hand and hand (directed by Sam Raimi).

Musical: Sound of Music comes right ahead of Signing in the Rain. What tipped the scales you ask? Well it has one of those scenes that gives me the chills. The scene when the Von Trapp Family is singing at the festival. They sing ‘Do-Re-Mi’ and then the Captain sings ‘Edelweiss’ with all of his fellow Austrians joining in at the end. The Nazis (I hate these guys) who are present then get the sense of nationalism in Austria will not be broken as easily as they thought. Just fantastic.

Science Fiction: Star Wars Episode IV. The original, the best… enough said.

Silent: I am a HUGE Chaplin fan (City Lights, The Kid, etc.) but when I saw Sunrise I never looked at silent cinema the same again. The movie is a story of a man having an affair with a woman, who tells him to kill her and run away with her. The man is about to go through with it but she gets away and runs to the city. He finally catches her and he cannot act on his passion because he is in a public place. They then run into the café that they met in and they begin to remember the great times that they had and they spend the day together falling in love all over again. I’ll leave it here, you want to see what happens (great ending) watch it.

War: A Bridge Too Far. It has lots of stars (Caine, Caan, Connery, Hackman, Hopkins, Redford, to name a few), a good plot line (story of Operation Market-Garden) and war.

Western: El Dorado. My dad and I use to watch this movie all the time. Wayne, Caan, and Mitchum star in the film. It’s basically a classic western, but the childhood memories add to its status on my list. The Searchers, Stagecoach (both Wayne) are also great movies.

Well there you have it, my favorite movie in each genre.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Nintendo NES

What is it about old video games that makes them fun to play?… Nintendo (I am talking about original NES), made god knows how long ago (released in 1983), has been the way that I have been passing some of my free time lately. The graphics are bad, the game play limited to essentially two dimensions (up and down; left and right movement) and essentially linear (or no) plot lines. But this system has two things going for it.

First the games are classic, mostly cause its hard to remember everything about games made 15 years ago, but they are still ingrained in my memory. The Mario Series, Techmo Super Bowl, Battletoads, Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego?, the original Metal Gear (impossible game), Duck Hunt, Track & Field (with the pad of course)… need I say more… Excitebike, Blades of Steel, Magic Johnson’s Fast Break, TMNT… ok I am done. But this proves the point, new systems have to sell the buyer on a new plot, game play, system, while NES already is ingrained and no matter what I probably will not forget how to play these games… Sorry I forgot about Megaman.

Secondly since we were children when we played these games, we create a fantasy that the games are better than they are. Lets be honest I remember when I was five or six and struggled getting far in Duck Hunt, I mean those God damn ducks sure know how to fly. But just this last week I sat down and got to level 17 on the first try… had I ever gotten to that level before? It is tough to say but obviously not with the same ease as I did the other day. Just today I sat down and played Techmo Bowl again, and I forgot how limited the play selection is compared to the 100-page (exaggeration) playbook of the Madden games. But that simplicity adds also something to the game that kids of the post NES generation do not understand.

So how good is Nintendo? Amazing and it will always stay that way no matter what kind of video games are coming out next.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Life Clock

The last couple of days have been hectic and I am sorry for the lack of quality posts. I hope to more quality posts starting with this one…

On Friday I was fascinated with an idea of the Time Clock. Cites that predict how long you are going to live. Well I imputed my data into a few of the cites that I found when searching on Yahoo. They predicted that I would live to 2065, 2067, and 2059. To be honest I can hardly say that these cites were reliable for predicting how long I am going to live, as they asked very few questions. However I was impressed that they all came within 8 years of my predicted death.

But really for the reason for the post was not to call into question the validity of the cites, instead it is to call into question how long I want to live… I mean do I really want to make it to 80+ years old. Not really. I think I would rather die at a younger age, when I still have some life in these legs and not have to ask someone to help me take a piss.

I feel that if I had to choose an age for death, 60 would seem to be the prefect age. I would have lived a nice long life and seeing people at this age, they do still have some life left and are not simply shadows of their former selves. In fact I do not mind going earlier as long as when I do go, I have lived life to the fullest.

And since I have already picked the age of death, I might as well as pick the type of death that I want… I hope to go quickly and quietly. I do not want to drown or burn and I do not want to die in a struggle of any sort.

But I guess I can’t play God and I will go when the good man says I will, but if I have to predict I have 14,575 days, 7 hours, 52 minutes and 14 seconds… 13…12…11…10…9…


20-6 ND over UCLA

Friday, October 5, 2007

JJ Abrams Project

Since I did not post yesterday due to my busy schedule, I told my loyal readers that I would post twice today. So sit back and relax and enjoy the read...

Recently I was looking at the trailers for new movies coming out in the near future, when I came across a movie that has no name that has caught my interest. Right now it is being called 1-18-08 (which is the date that it is going to be released). The fascinating thing about the movie is that NO ONE, has any idea what the story is about. Watch the trailer for yourself (on the right there) and tell me what you think. The only clues thus far are the one guy says "I can see it, its huge." Well whats huge? Who knows and the movie is causing discussions all over movie message boards. I have heard various number of theories on what 'it' is, a chimera (one third lion, goat, and snake), Voltron (sorta like Transformers), and then the classic monster Godzilla. The only hit is that the director, JJ Abrams, says that it is not a monster that has been used before, so go figure.
Now you are probably thinking how could all of this be kept under wraps so that NO ONE has found out anything about the movie. Well when JJ was rounding up actors and actresses for the movie he did not send out scripts. Meaning no one got a script that was going to be part of the movie, additionally no one has leaked any information about the movie. The filming is done in New York City, so someone must have seen something. Well the movie did a good job here too, they worked under fake names and Aliases while they were there, and besides the movie is filmed using mostly hand held digital cameras, meaning that the camera crew would have been small and easily hidden.
Now an interesting thing has happened, the offical site (link: is nothing but a collection of pictures, which without explanation mean nothing. You do see a military man in one photo, perhaps indicating a military action. Now another website has appeared to be linked to the movie (link: The website is a company that specializes in deep-sea drilling, so perhaps the beast comes from the sea.
Needless to say, this movie's ad campaign is unorthodox but is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Two things are for certain: no explaination will be given about the movie before it comes out and I am really excited to see this movie.

BP Football

Outlined against a blue-grey October sky... no but seriously the BP football game vs Pangborn was one for the ages and I will for surely always remember what happened last night. The game was tied early at 6-6 and we had the ball late in the first half and decided to punt to make sure we did not give them good field position. Eli's punt landed in the arms of their best player and after making a few Reggie Bush like moves (and yes I am serious, three cut backs, a spin move and a stutter step up the sideline) and she was gone... They missed the the one-point conversion and Pangborn was up 12-6.
After the half we moved the ball near mid-field and went for it on fourth down and were stopped. They had one big play and the next thing you know we are down 18-6. Next possession after gaining a first down, Melissa throws a pick and again they score again and go ahead 24-6.
However our team never gave up and they marched down... err I mean we completed a 60-yard pass to Jasmine on fourth down for a TD. Gaby made a nice catch in the end-zone and all of a sudden we were down 24-15. The defense, coached by Digan and Meagher, got us a quick three and out and good field position. Incomplete, incomplete, incomplete, and all of a sudden its fourth down, but a completion to Gaby along the sideline gets us a first down at the two. Next play Melissa looks and rolls to her left and runs in for a TD. But just like the white man holding the players on the basketball bench back, we still had to complete a three-point conversion.
Four-wides, no backs. Melissa takes the snap buys some time by stepping into the pocket and fires a high pass to Gaby (if you couldnt tell she was the superstar of the game [9 catches 99 yeards plus on TD, and two three point conversions]) who catches it at the one and falls back to tie the game!
There last second attempt at a Hail Mary falls incomplete and we have accomplished a fantastic come from behind tie. Not impressive you say... on the contrary our sideline acted like they just won a championship, including a Gatorade shower for the coaches, and everyone was excited (keep in mind 'the greatest game ever played' ended in a tie). It was a feeling unlike I had experienced this year with our ND team being poor and the Tigers missing out on the playoffs.
Fantastic Preformance and you might as well give us the ESPY for Greatest Game of the Year.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Baseball Playoffs

Has anyone ever noticed the scheduling that goes on in the baseball playoffs and wondered what the fuck they are thinking? The most intriguing games are scheduled during the day and then the teams that will sell are scheduled at night. Lets be honest the most intriguing series is Colorado and the Phils, with the Boston LA on at 6:30 and the Cubs on at 10. If it wasn't for the large fan bases of both the Cubs and Boston they would be playing during the day... just like Colorado and the Phils. The stories of how these teams made the playoffs makes the matchup that more interesting. Lets be honest here, I do not see the Cubs having any trouble dealing with Arizona and there anemic offense (arizona has a .205 average against the Cubs this year) and while the Boston series maybe interesting however Boston and LA have not played a meaningful game the last week or so I expect to see sloppy baseball for the first couple of games. And lets be honest with the series that starts tomorrow, will NY have trouble with Cleveland who has, for the last 50 years, shown its ineptitude in the playoffs.

So why the rant?... maybe this is why people are bored with baseball. Instead of showing the series that will be interesting by placing them on prime time, they show the games that will get the ratings from the fans of the teams. But the fair weather fans are sick of seeing NY, Boston, Chicago in the playoffs, we want to see the underdog, the unknown, things that people claim baseball has lacked with the high salary teams making the playoffs every year. But perhaps people don't realize them because baseball is giving people something else to watch, the usual suspects who are there every year and not the teams that create the interesting story lines.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tiger Trouble

The season that passed for the Tigers was a very disappointing one. The preseason concensus seemed to be that the Tigers would be making it back to the World Series based on the returning core of players (particularly pitchers). However their pitching was suspect all season (injuries did not help) and at times the offense seemed to sputter (again injuries). Injuries in sports are not a valid excuse, as every team must go through with them. However I will tell you all what the Tigers should do to fix the team and be legit contenders next season.

First, do not bring Pudge back unless it is a two year deal worth $12 million. He is too expensive at $13 million for one season and honestly his .280 average, nine walks, medicore fielding and lack of power can be duplicated by another less expensive player. That being said, there is something to be said about a player who came to a dead franchise to help revive it to promenance, which is why you bring him back to finish out his career at a decent pay rate. Prediction: Pudge signs with the Mets at $8 million a year for the next two seasons (Tigers sign Barrett, one year deal).

Secondly if Arod declines his option (which is a distinct possibility if he struggles in the post season and the Yankees do not win a title) then go after him and hard. Overpay if you have to, the man is worth $30 million dollars over the next 6 years, so pay him. The added bonus is that he can move back to short for a few season (while he still has range and ability) before moving him back to third at the end of his career (where range is less important). The guy would be a force in an already very good lineup (imagine the three bats of Shef, Arod, and Maggs). Prediction: If Arod opts out (25% chance) he is going to the Angels who will offer him 7 years $252 million (sound familiar?).

Realistically however since Arod is a stretch they need to get Wilson from Pittsburgh to play short. Vizquel would not be a bad choice for one season as that guy can straight out field and in our lineup as an 8 hitter he would be servicable at least for one season. Prediction: Omar Vizquel is a cheaper and better short term fix at short (as Pittsburgh knows we need a shortstop).

Bring back Jones, yes for one year. He almost assurdly get two year offers from many teams in the league, but once again if you have to overpay for him for one season than do so. While Zumaya is the next closer, he could use a season of splitting the duties or if he cannot get the job done, then you have a sound back-up. Prediction: one year, $7 million. Bring back Rogers. You are probably thinking why? and the post season last year is all the evidence you need. He is contemplating retirement but if he comes back he wont be able to pitch the whole season, so you bring him in a quarter of the way through the season, much like Clemens. Gives them experience on top, with a guy who can still get the job done, and would come at a reasonable price.

If you do not bring Rogers back then Paul Byrd would seem to be a good fit for the short term. Solid pitcher that can give you innings and quality outings, allowing your offense to win games. Would give you a solid SP rotation of Verlander, Robertson, Bonderman, Byrd, and (insert fifth starter here:Miller, Jurrens, etc). Prediction: Byrd reups with Cleveland.

Lastly outfielder needs to be addressed and there are some interesting choices... Abreu is the first person that comes to mind for free agent outfielders. He gets on base, and steals some bases giving the lineup another Shef type player in that regard except less power. After a slow start he had a solid second half and his ability to run and hit the gaps make him a good fit for the Tigers and Comerica Park. Would be an interesting fit between Shef and Maggs and could potentially give Maggs even more opportunities to knock in runs. Would not come cheap however. Cliff Floyd is another interesting choice as he would be the left handed bat the Tigers would want and he has experience pitch hitting in late innings and at his age would not be an everyday player, allowing Marcus Thames to play an increased role. Prediction: Tigers go after Abreu and settle for Floyd at 2 years $13 million (to $15). Bonds is not a choice here (although it would be interesting he cannot play defense).

With all this insight here is how I see the lineups:

CF Granderson
2B Polanco
DH Sheffield
RF Maggs
1B Guillen
LF Floyd/Thames (depending on pitcher)
C Barrett
SS Viquel
3B Inge

Rabelo (or Vance if back)


Grilli (although i hate him)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Wake Me Up When September Ends...

This happened to me last night when Bryan literally came into my room and physically woke me up, but most importantly it is time to start waking up to get into the real work of the semester... Everyone in college knows what I am talking about. The first round of exams and papers is coming and it is time to shake off the habit of just reading or doing problem sets for class.

The thing that really upsets me about this time of year (besides of having to do tons of work), is that every teacher thinks that their class is the only class that you have. In the next 2 weeks (including today) I will have or have had 2 exams (one in class, one take-home), and 3 essays. Not to mention the fact that I have to start doing research for my 20 page paper due at the end of November. I am not complaining but seriously these situations put a lot of pressure on the students, but since according to the teacher you only have one class (their own) the work can't be that bad can it?

Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to bring up my new idea for schools everywhere... no more mandatory work, no more grades, no more exams, no more papers. You are all wondering then what the new situation would be like, well I'll tell you. From a young age we will learn to love knowledge for knowledge itself, not for grades or anything of that nature, or for knowing that if we do not graduate then we won't get a job. There would be less stress and if successful students would WANT to do work to learn more and for no other reason than that... I know that if there would no grades I would still go to class, because I love to learn, but I definatly don't like exams and papers and most of all the pressure of it all.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fantasy Baseball Champs...

Well this weekend was relatively bad for sports... Notre Dame lost to Purdue (which I won't even talk about), the Tigers lost 2 of 3 to the White Sox (who no matter how bad they are, we can never seem to beat), and BP flag football lost another heartbreaker. While the Detroit Lions did beat the Chicago Bears this weekend (even though I could really care less).

The real treat for me this weekend was winning the Fantasy Baseball League that I have with my friends from GP, which is something that I have never done before. There have been many great teams in our league (many of which have belonged to me), but this year I think that my team was the best team ever assembled (hitters: saltalamacchia, fielder, hill, jeter, Aram, figgins, abreu, holiday, ortiz [with special thanks to bonds and sanchez] and pitching:kazmir, westbrook, putz, jones, benoit, wakefield, davis, meche, sonnanstine, arroyo, correja, snell [special thanks to lowry, shields]). My regular season record was 123-86-11 putting me in the regular season championship two seasons in a row and in the winner's bracket playoffs in all six years of the league existence. After the first round bye, I destroyed the best hitting team in the league (kirk) by an 8-2 score and then won the two week championship 6-2 (with the loser, max, congratulating my victory on thursday). For the first time ever I can look at what I spent many many hours on and actually think I accomplished something... what is it that I accomplished, you may wonder?

Well that is easy and something that is worth more than the $90 i received for winning... and thats bragging rights over 11 individuals for the next 12 months of my life. Not only can I now claim that I had the best team last season, but that I am the best manager in the league (my knack was that I never won the big game). Now since I have squashed the critics I have a new goal in our league and thats staying on top...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Paddington and Pooh

Recently Matt has been giving Bryan a hard time about liking Paddington Bear and Pooh Bear. It all started when Bryan voted for orange marmalade in an online poll at in which the question asked was what goes best on a PBJ sandwich. Matt accused Bryan as being crazy as stawberry jam is clearly the best (here Matt you are wrong grape jelly is the best, but peanut butter sucks but i disgress) and Bryan as a defense of his choice brings up Paddington who also like marmalade. Matt instantly makes fun of Bryan for this and Matt that was terribly wrong because Paddington is awesome. Eventually Matt accuses Bryan of knowing (in the biblical sense) both Paddington and Pooh, cause Bryan clearly has a thing for bears...

So today I have decided to defind these two bears, Paddington first.

Matt if you did not know Paddington, much like ancestors coming to the United States, immigrated to England, specifically to London where he was leaving "Darkest Peru" behind and his only two relatives (Aunt Lucy who taught him to stare [casues people to become flushed and embarrassed] and his unknown Uncle who gave him the hat). Once here Paddington is taken home with the Browns after waiting in the train station for someone to take him home (god bless Mr Brown for taking him home). Then he goes through growing pains of getting use to this new bustling environment were he has no one but the Brown's... seriously Matt how could you make fun of someone like this, he is just trying to assimulate into our culture much like your ancestors would have done. So Matt I am asking you to remember where you came from and respect Paddington Bear.

Pooh Bear is also a spectacular bear, and perhaps more so than Paddington, but no value judgements cause they are both sweet. Pooh lives in the Hundred Acre Wood a place that is invented by the imagination of a young boy named Christopher Robin, and here is where Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends live (Rabbit [man, cause sometimes I wonder], Piglet, Kanga, Roo, Eeyore, Owl and Tigger). Matt, Pooh likes honey and would try anything (including tying himself to ballons and pretending to be a raincloud) to get some. So here in lies the problem, Pooh is the man and despite him being a little slow upstairs he often solves problems and is a great friend, which is something you could use right now since you made fun of people's childhood idols. So maybe you should reflect on what you said and take it back about these two upstanding young bears.

Friday, September 28, 2007


What caused me to start this blog was me thinking about coaching. As most of you know I am the coach of the BP (Breen-Phillips) flag football team and I was thinking today about the coaches that I have had in the past and realized somethings.

First, all the coaches that I have had, I never particularly liked them. For example, Coach Taylor (for all you Trojan people you know who I am talking about). He was the biggest douche bag ever and I hated going to practice with him. His chucking of basketballs at players, his finger rolls from the free throw line and the occasional body slam really did not do it for me. Not to mention that we lost a numerous number of games and we aboslutely mediocre.

However despite the fact that I did not like my coaches, it did not mean that I did not respect them. I will use another basketball coach for this one, Coach Sloan. He was a big slime ball and some of things that he did (not with the boys) were at times suspect, but he was a hell of a coach. There was not a team that we played that season that I think we were not better than, or more prepared for every game (we did lose three games if I recall, one of which our best player missed a fucking lay up on a well drawn up play by Sloan). Because of the fact that he actually knew what he was talking about, I respected his ability to coach, as the rest of the players did, and we went on to a successful season.

Lastly the more afraid I was of the coach the more successful the team was. Gazeam (sp?) comes to mind, as well as Sloan (who was an imposing figure at 6-6, and a college basketball player), but no one takes the cake over the 5-6 Albanian mafia member who had to move to America to avoid death in terms of imposing fear on his players (at least this is what we believed). He did not yell, but HE FUCKING YELLED... you fucked up he let you know. Whether it was the infamous "Up-down, boddy" or "It's not sorry, boddy, it's DO IT" every player tried their hardest for fear of being yelled at or intimidated.

So you are all reading and wondering why the fuck does all this matter... but if any of you have talked to me about coaching you know that I would like to embody all of these characteristics as a coach and due to the circumstances of coaching a girls voluntary football team I cannot. Instead of my players not liking me, respecting me or fearing me, I have just the opposite... Some of you may be thinking why would not want my players to like and not be afraid and perhaps that can be reflected on in our record this year. We are 1-3. Most of the coaches listed above (exception Coach Taylor) and not listed (Tom A, Doug Jensen, Adolf to name a few) embodied the characteristics that I want to and you know why?.... We WON games. The coaches that were the opposite (Coach Taylor, Mr Harrington, etc) were players coaches or just did not embody any of the above characterists and you know what, we did not win...

So looking back at my sports career as a player, although I did not always have fun at practice or particullary like the coaches, I now respect more the coaches who did not to try to make friends with the players and instead tried to give it their all and win, because I now look back and enjoy those days a lot more now, then I did then because winning cures all.


Welcome to my Blog...
Today in class, I know I should have been focusing but come on its Español, I was thinking about things and thought why not put this shit out there for others to read, I know you all want to hear my thoughts on random things. So here we go, well give it a shot. I am going to try and post as often as possible, as I know all you out there are going to be on the edge of your seat to read what I have to say.
But anyway enjoy and if you ahve any questions or comments feel free to post them on the board.