Friday, October 5, 2007

JJ Abrams Project

Since I did not post yesterday due to my busy schedule, I told my loyal readers that I would post twice today. So sit back and relax and enjoy the read...

Recently I was looking at the trailers for new movies coming out in the near future, when I came across a movie that has no name that has caught my interest. Right now it is being called 1-18-08 (which is the date that it is going to be released). The fascinating thing about the movie is that NO ONE, has any idea what the story is about. Watch the trailer for yourself (on the right there) and tell me what you think. The only clues thus far are the one guy says "I can see it, its huge." Well whats huge? Who knows and the movie is causing discussions all over movie message boards. I have heard various number of theories on what 'it' is, a chimera (one third lion, goat, and snake), Voltron (sorta like Transformers), and then the classic monster Godzilla. The only hit is that the director, JJ Abrams, says that it is not a monster that has been used before, so go figure.
Now you are probably thinking how could all of this be kept under wraps so that NO ONE has found out anything about the movie. Well when JJ was rounding up actors and actresses for the movie he did not send out scripts. Meaning no one got a script that was going to be part of the movie, additionally no one has leaked any information about the movie. The filming is done in New York City, so someone must have seen something. Well the movie did a good job here too, they worked under fake names and Aliases while they were there, and besides the movie is filmed using mostly hand held digital cameras, meaning that the camera crew would have been small and easily hidden.
Now an interesting thing has happened, the offical site (link: is nothing but a collection of pictures, which without explanation mean nothing. You do see a military man in one photo, perhaps indicating a military action. Now another website has appeared to be linked to the movie (link: The website is a company that specializes in deep-sea drilling, so perhaps the beast comes from the sea.
Needless to say, this movie's ad campaign is unorthodox but is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Two things are for certain: no explaination will be given about the movie before it comes out and I am really excited to see this movie.

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